Functional Testing - Targeted Health

Identify your risk factors for chronic disease early on and get to the root cause of your symptoms.

Optimising your health is individual to you.

The best way to do this is to understand how your system is functioning through testing. Your results will inform your personalised nutrition plan.

Below are the functional tests I most often recommend.

Functional Testing

  • Upgrade your Gut

    Gut health is at the core of any nutrition programme. Your microbiota forms the bedrock of a thriving body, influencing metabolism, nutrition, immunity, hormones, brain function, mood, and stress response.

    Many modern health issues can be traced back to poor gut function. Conditions like obesity, autoimmunity, diabetes, anxiety, and depression often have connections to gut microbiome dysfunctions.

    A thorough stool analysis delves into your gut and microbiome, pinpointing beneficial bacteria, identifying opportunistic bacteria linked to chronic illnesses, detecting pathogens, assessing digestive capabilities, and evaluating immune function.

    Understanding your gut empowers us to manipulate the microbiome, alleviating symptoms, and providing protection against chronic illnesses.

  • Know your Bloods

    How is your blood sugar? Are you at greater risk of cardiovascular disease? How well is your thyroid functioning? Do you have optimal vitamin and mineral status?

    Imbalances in any of these can increase the risk of chronic disease, drive fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, poor focus, lower motivation and performance.

    Knowing your blood means we can more accurately evaluate your metabolic health, identify risk factors earlier and review nutrient status to define a nutrition and lifestyle plan to help restore balance and optimise health.

  • Balance your Hormones

    Hormonal imbalances drive fatigue, poor sleep, low mood, weight gain and low libido.

    The DUTCH test is a comprehensive test providing insights into sex hormones, adrenal function, stress hormones, and sleep, including neurotransmitter markers in both men and women. It reveals your cortisol rhythm, pinpointing areas of imbalance in your system.

    Utilising a simple dried urine sample, it is noninvasive and convenient to do at home. This knowledge not only helps you feel better faster but also identifies the root causes, guiding a targeted nutritional plan.

  • Understand your DNA - Nervous System Report

    Your DNA never changes, this report informs your unique nervous system operation to tailor nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to enhance your mental fitness, happiness, mood, sleep, and stress resilience.

    Discover predispositions to imbalances and the nutrients essential for optimal functioning. The report delves into genes, nutrients, and environmental factors affecting your nervous system, encompassing serotonin (contentment), melatonin (sleep), dopamine (motivation), cortisol regulation (stress and blood sugar balance), noradrenaline and adrenaline (fight or flight), and GABA for calm and relaxation.

  • Understand your DNA - Metabolic & Longevity Genes

    The Metabolic DNA test analyses your genes and variants (SNPs) impacting nutrient metabolism, focusing on genes related to appetite regulation, sugar and fat metabolism, cholesterol synthesis, bile synthesis, mitochondria health, and inflammation.

    It provides personalised nutrition and lifestyle recommendations aligned with your genetics to reduce the risk of metabolic dysfunction, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.


“We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us be much more than what we are.”

Adelle Davis